All Blog Entries

  1. My Thoughts/Opinions on cKs, SOCOM and the Future

    Quote Originally Posted by SlitherX View Post
    I felt it would be necessary to make this post on the eve of Endurance, I think it may ease alot of minds and give a bit of insight as to how I'm taking everything when it comes to this odd era we call SOCOM 4.

    This is a strange era thus far for us. I feel that we had a very good 'Comfort zone' during the last 6 months in Confrontation. One where we had decent attendance, we had a skilled group... we knew our strengths, and weaknesses were and we had a very set schedule as to how
  2. A solider marches on

    log book entry ......june 24

    We all jumped from the the plane but in this new jungle im not sure we were prepared for what we found ...

    this jungle is like nothing i have ever seen before ... but i am a solider i will march on this isnt my first tour of duty be in so tuff places before, although im new in this unit iv seen some action with these guys and i know we are together strong...these are the guys u want to be in battle with tuff an tactical. ...
  3. An Amalgamation Of Thoughts

    Day 2 of being laid off, and the weather is shitty. #fuckmylife

    Today, I went to Future Shop to buy a new TV to add to my 'setup', in which I play SOCOM/Manage cKs from. I waited there for a good 30 minutes before an associate came to help me. I told him I'd buy the TV, then as he went to get it ready, I left.

    Why are people assholes? because they choose to be.

    Why is it, that even though I have all the time in the world now. It is still a struggle to ...
  4. Melanoma Monday

    ...Wish it were sunday.

    For all of those that read this, thank you. You are a true friend.

    Today is Monday. We had our first CB last night on SOCOM 4. After that we got a clan challenge, CC. Over the course of two wars (2 maps and 3 maps respectively) I earned 3 MVPs.

    That is 60% bitches.

    That is all for now.
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